
pinnacle in Belgium on picture(000505)


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1pinnacle from Cathedral Saint-Rombouts' cathedralCathedral Saint-Rombouts' cathedral
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Cathedral, Brabantion Gothic, Baroque, High Gothic, Early gothic, Neo-gothic, Renaissance, marble, pinnacle, tower, ambulatory, painting, pulpit, high altar, main altar, altar, mausoleum, choir, chancel, clustered column, transept, tabernacle, cross ribvaulting, diagonal rib vault, stained glass, sculpture group, bronze, oak wood, choir stalls, cantpost, statue (as an ornament), central aisle, tub, vat, reliquary, tracery, finial, flanking aisle, side aisle, buttress, confessional, pillar, organ, basilica, crocket, crossing, nave, bay, span, radial chapel, pillar, pier, triforium, side chapel, foundations, engaged column, inbedded column, Belgian limestone or bluestone, rood loft, choir screen, copper, spiral staircase, communion rail, Hendrik en Petrus Goyers, Erasmus en Artus Quellin, Jan-Frans Pluys, Michiel Coxcie, Michiel Vervoort, Jan van den Steen, Jan-Frans van Geel, Keldermans, Jean (Jehan) d'Oisy (Osy), Anton (Anthonie) van Dyck, Gaspar de Craeyer, Lucas Faid'herbe, Willem van Hesius, Nicolaas van der Veken, Leo Pieter Suys, J.F. Langemans, Jos Devroe, Jan Gerrits, van Peteghem, Pieter Valckx
MECHELEN4.8 / 1200
2pinnacle from Sint-MartinuskerkSint-Martinuskerk
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Brabantion Gothic, Louis XV, Gothic, Neo-gothic, meridian line, pinnacle, vaultal painting, stellar vaulting, painting, altar, chapter church, oak wood, crossing tower, ledestone, balegemstone, doorway (porch), ambulatory, crossing, nave, radial chapel, choir, chancel, portico, breastwork, parapet, triforium, Herman de Waghemakere, Keldermans, Jan Van Wouwe, Geraard Spillebaut, Pieter Paul Rubens, Jan Van der Moeren, Julius Goethals, Jean-Baptist Bethune, Gillis Nechelput
AALST5.4 / 1480
3pinnacle from Sint-Matern' basilicaSint-Matern' basilica
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Gothic, Norman (Romanesque), pearspire, baptismal font, statue (as an ornament), polychromy, tabernacle, high altar, main altar, choir stalls, cross ribvaulting, diagonal rib vault, ambulatory, gargouille, rood loft, choir screen, pinnacle, stellar vaulting, pulpit, confessional, finial, crocket, choir, chancel, white stone, painted ceiling, gable, triumph cross, flying buttress, transept, breastwork, parapet, spire, open work, column dividing a window or door, crossing, trilobate, trefoil tracery, doorway (porch), chapter church, window with round arch, bay, span, buttress, nave, crossing tower, stained glass, ridgeturret, roofturret, triumpharc, tower, P. Langerock
WALCOURT5.5 / ~ 1225
4pinnacle from The White (or Large) Moor and The Black MooreThe White (or Large) Moor and The Black Moore
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Keywords:fourcentred arch, Tudor arch, stepped gable, pinnacle, half-relief, gable
GHENT5.4 / ~ 1476
Keywords:Administration, Office building, Statue, Eclectism, Neo-gothic, bosse, trefoil arch, stairs, pointed arch, bay, span, spire, pinnacle, verticalising effect, Ferdinand Jan Truyman, Hendrik Kennes
ANTWERP-~ 1894
6Pharmacy Delacre
Keywords:Corner house, Shop, Neo-gothic, New Renaissance, facade, pinnacle, stepped gable, crocket, finial, semi-circular (round) arch, layer of bacon, basket-handle arch, cross-bar frame, Brugian span, Paul Saintenoy
7pinnacle from Our-Ladies' chapelOur-Ladies' chapel
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Keywords:Church, Chapel, Brabantion Gothic, lancet, pointed arch, crocket, finial, scutcheon, armorial bearings, coat of arms, doorway (porch), pinnacle, buttress, choir, chancel, tympanum, Auguste Van Assche, Koning Leopold I
8pinnacle from Monument voor Leopold IMonument voor Leopold I
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Statue, Neo-gothic, Scheldt Gothic, spire, crocket, ogive or ogee arch, galery, flying buttress, breastwork, parapet, pillar, open work, bud capital, crocket capital, gargouille, finial, statue (as an ornament), baldachin (canopy), gablet, trilobate, trefoil tracery, vault, buttress, lancet, pinnacle, gilt, tabernacle, cross ribvaulting, diagonal rib vault, clustered column, Louis de Curte, Willem Geefs
9pinnacle from Our-Ladies Assomption church (in Munsterbilzen)Our-Ladies Assomption church (in Munsterbilzen)
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Neo-gothic, Norman (Romanesque), Late gothic, belfry window, carillon, buttress, trilobate, trefoil tracery, pinnacle, tracery, choir, chancel, gable, painting, statue (as an ornament), crocket, church treasure, baptismal font, pointed arch, tower, nave, arched corbel course, transept
BILZEN5.1 / 1851
10pinnacle from The BalanceThe Balance
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Guildhall, Gothic, Renaissance, pointed gable, obelisk, facade, pillar, pinnacle, Belgian limestone or bluestone, Bruno Gerrits
11pinnacle from Guilthouse of the bricklayersGuilthouse of the bricklayers
Picture by Johan De Bock

Keywords:Guildhall, dripstone moulding, breastwork, parapet, pinnacle, tracery, scutcheon, armorial bearings, coat of arms, Christoffel vanden Berghe, Walter De Buck, Dirk Bontinck
GHENT5.3 / 1526
12pinnacle from PoorterslogePoortersloge
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Guildhall, Corner house, Rococo, Late gothic, Neo-gothic, gargouille, statue (as an ornament), scutcheon, armorial bearings, coat of arms, crocket, finial, doorway (porch), trilobate, trefoil tracery, gable, bay, span, pinnacle, tabernacle, Louis Delacenserie, Jozepf-François Van Gierdegom
13pinnacle from Saint-John the Bpatist churchSaint-John the Bpatist church
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, tympanum, lancet, stellar vaulting, crocket, net or lierne vaulting, semi-circular (round) arch, doorway (porch), rood loft, choir screen, column dividing a window or door, western tower, choir, chancel, pillar, pier, flanking aisle, side aisle, cross vault, quadripartite vault, pinnacle, confessional, buttress, central aisle
14pinnacle from Princes CourtPrinces Court
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Keywords:Castle, Neo-gothic, guerite tower, turret, cresting, fret, corbeling out, dormer, hip, staircase turret, staircase tower, arched corbel course, wing, aisle, crocket, finial, wrought iron, pinnacle, crenel (merlon), crenelation, battlement, trilobate, trefoil tracery, breastwork, parapet, Franciscanen, minderbroeders
BRUGES5.6 / ~ 1369
15pinnacle from Belfry or bell-tower of BrugesBelfry or bell-tower of Bruges
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Belfry, bell-tower, City view, Illuminated, Hall, Gothic, Renaissance, open truss, belfry window, inner court, carillon, galery, bell, fourcentred arch, Tudor arch, crenel (merlon), crenelation, battlement, guerite tower, turret, balcony, copper, corbeling out, breastwork, parapet, pointed arch, lancet, stone, round gallery, open work, pinnacle, flying buttress, tracery, pointed arched corbel course, Lanceloot Blondeel
16pinnacle from Our Lady of the PuddleOur Lady of the Puddle
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Brabantion Gothic, Baroque, doorway (porch), gablet, Gobertangerstone, baldachin (canopy), crossing tower, tabernacle, tower, side chapel, finial, quatrefoil, tracery, altar, high altar, main altar, marble, transept, trilobate, trefoil tracery, choir, chancel, spire, balcony, glass frame, lancet, open work, facade, pinnacle, dead window, gable, Jean (Jehan) d'Oisy (Osy), Keldermans, Matheus De Layens, Jacob (Jacques) Van Thienen, Sulpitius van Vorst, Botson de Racour, Duquesnoy
TIENEN5.5 / 1358
17pinnacle from Our Lady in  Gaverland Chapel (In Melsele)Our Lady in Gaverland Chapel (In Melsele)
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Chapel, Neo-gothic, lantern roof, lantern tower, organ, dome (cupola), statue (as an ornament), lancet, tower, pinnacle, flying buttress, Jan August Clarisse (Clarysse)
18pinnacle from Carolus Borromeus ChurchCarolus Borromeus Church
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Baroque, stuccowork, high altar, main altar, pillar order, coffer, belt arch, pulpit, Dorian colons, organ, Corinthian column, Ionic colons, apse, apsis, baroque porche, portal, confessional, painting, wood-carving, wood-engraving, baroque façade, galery, statue (as an ornament), nave, flanking aisle, side aisle, tower, marble, pilaster, chapel (in church or other building), painted ceiling, pinnacle, Jezuïten, Jan Peter van Baurscheit de Oudere, Jozef Druart, Pieter Paul Rubens, Michiel. Senior van der Voort (ook Vervoort), de Nole
ANTWERP5.7 / 1615