Pos | Mini thumb | Name | Score | Begin year | 1 | | Former Hotel Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) | 5.9 / 2071 | | 2 | | Snowy landscape of the Dyle river Picture by Eddy Van Ransbeek Keywords:Landscape, River, brook, stream | 5.8 / 1563 | | 3 | | The Flying Horse Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) Keywords:House in a row, Rococo, facade, Bruegel | 5.8 / 1880 | | 4 | | Brussels Gate Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Town gate, Scheldt Gothic, ledestone, balegemstone, Stone from Doornik | 5.7 / 1885 | ~ 1264 | 5 | | In the Fig Tree Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) Keywords:wooden facade, corbeling out | 5.7 / 1953 | 1500 | 6 | | Holy Ghost chapel Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) Keywords:Chapel, Theatre, Gothic, sandstone, single-aisled, stepped gable, lancet, facing brick | 5.7 / 2491 | | 7 | | Gate Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) | 5.7 / 1612 | | 8 | | City square - Large Market Picture by Eddy Van Ransbeek Keywords:City view | 5.7 / 2054 | | 9 | | Van Prant's house Picture by Jos Henckens Keywords:Gentleman's house | 5.6 / 1485 | | 10 | | House on Square Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) | 5.5 / 2310 | | 11 | | Court of Busleyden Picture by Jos Henckens Keywords:Gothic, Late gothic, Renaissance, galery, brick, basket-handle arch, pearspire, sandstone, balustrade, railing, falchion motif, Keldermans | 5.5 / 2016 | | 12 | | Last visible piece of the Melaan - Green Water Picture by Jos Henckens Keywords:River, brook, stream | 5.5 / 5156 | | 13 | | Norbertin's of Tongerloo's Refuge Picture by Jos Henckens Keywords:Abbey, convent, monastery | 5.5 / 1748 | | 14 | | Saint John the Baptist and Evangelist church Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) Keywords:Church, Baroque, Gothic, Brabantion Gothic, high altar, main altar, painting, half-relief, confessional, triptych, reliquary, pulpit, statue (as an ornament), organ, choir stalls, lancet, organ-case, marble, tombstone, grave stone, western tower, tub, vat, central aisle, bust, three-aisled, choir, chancel, sandstone, moulding, transept, chapel (in church or other building), pointed arch, horizontalising effect, nave, tunnel vault (barrel vault), window with round arch, oak wood, belfry window, putti, stuccowork, Pieter Paul Rubens, Franchoys, Nicolaas van der Veken, Pieter Valckx, Theodoor Verhaegen, Lucas Faid'herbe, Willem Herreyns, Gaspar de Craeyer, Jacob Jordaens, Duquesnoy | 5.5 / 3137 | | 15 | | Baecx Convent Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) Keywords:spoutfacade, bullion (oculus), facade | 5.5 / 2089 | 1547 | 16 | | Prince from Parma - Golden head Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) Keywords:Late gothic, wooden facade | 5.4 / 2157 | ~ 1510 | 17 | | De Arend Picture by Jos Henckens | 5.4 / 1607 | | 18 | | Coral School Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) | 5.4 / 1490 | | 19 | | House the Small Boat Picture by Eddy Van Ransbeek Keywords:School, university, Corner house, carillon | 5.4 / 1632 | 1772 | 20 | | Cloister of the Cell Brothers Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) Keywords:16th century traditional architecture (maconry and sandstone) | 5.4 / 1613 | | 21 | | The Minus or In the Minus Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) | 5.4 / 4362 | 1773 | 22 | | Town hall Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Town hall, city hall, Belfry, bell-tower, Hall, guerite tower, turret, fronton, pavilion roof, turret | 5.4 / 1927 | 1342 | 23 | | In the Fashioned Farmer Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Gentleman's house, Rococo, rocaille, facade | 5.3 / 2343 | | 24 | | The Wheatflower Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Baroque, bullion (oculus), volute, facade, gable, festoon, swag, fronton, Lucas Faid'herbe | 5.3 / 1914 | 1684 | 25 | | Saint Alexius' and Saint Catharina's church Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Church, confessional, painting, organ-case, Corinthian column, capital, high altar, main altar, van Yperseel, Jan Frans Boeckstuyns, Jacob Franquart, Lucas Faid'herbe, Pieter Huyssens, Theodoor van Loon, Jan Cossiers, Jan van den Steen, Franchoys, Gaspar de Craeyer, Theodoor Boeyermans | 5.2 / 4491 | ~ 1627 | 26 | | Palace of the Big Councel Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Court of justice, Courthouse, justice of the peace court, Hall, Late gothic, Neo-gothic, chimneyhood, tapestry, Ph. Van Boxmeer, P. Langerock | 5.2 / 2089 | 1526 | 27 | | Margaretha from Austria's former palace Picture by Eddy Van Ransbeek Keywords:Court of justice, Courthouse, justice of the peace court, New Renaissance, Gothic, Renaissance, Late gothic, Leonard Blomme, Keldermans | 5.2 / 1866 | 1517 | 28 | | Saint Peter and Paul's church Picture by Eddy Van Ransbeek Keywords:Church, Baroque, verticalising effect, Jezuïten, Antoon Losson | 5.1 / 1942 | 1670 | 29 | | The Bear Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) | 5 / 1913 | | 30 | | Cathedral Saint-Rombouts' cathedral Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Cathedral, Brabantion Gothic, Baroque, High Gothic, Early gothic, Neo-gothic, Renaissance, marble, pinnacle, tower, ambulatory, painting, pulpit, high altar, main altar, altar, mausoleum, choir, chancel, clustered column, transept, tabernacle, cross ribvaulting, diagonal rib vault, stained glass, sculpture group, bronze, oak wood, choir stalls, cantpost, statue (as an ornament), central aisle, tub, vat, reliquary, tracery, finial, flanking aisle, side aisle, buttress, confessional, pillar, organ, basilica, crocket, crossing, nave, bay, span, radial chapel, pillar, pier, triforium, side chapel, foundations, engaged column, inbedded column, Belgian limestone or bluestone, rood loft, choir screen, copper, spiral staircase, communion rail, Hendrik en Petrus Goyers, Erasmus en Artus Quellin, Jan-Frans Pluys, Michiel Coxcie, Michiel Vervoort, Jan van den Steen, Jan-Frans van Geel, Keldermans, Jean (Jehan) d'Oisy (Osy), Anton (Anthonie) van Dyck, Gaspar de Craeyer, Lucas Faid'herbe, Willem van Hesius, Nicolaas van der Veken, Leo Pieter Suys, J.F. Langemans, Jos Devroe, Jan Gerrits, van Peteghem, Pieter Valckx | 4.8 / 2571 | 1200 | 31 | | Gildehuis Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) | - | |