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Saint-John's hospital in DAMME

Saint-John's hospital DAMME picture
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Saint-John's hospital DAMME picture: Saint-John's hospital DAMME picture:
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The Saint Johnshospital was founded by Margaret of Constantinople before 1249.

The complex exists of three buildings dated each from another period. The from the 13th century dated mainbuilding is an example of bricksgothic. It was expanded at the westside during the 15th century with a new wing and a staircase tower. A new kitchen and a sickbay were added in the second half of the 16th century. In 1646-48 it was a brewery that was added (later it was used as a washing room). Later several buildings were added.

Goele Brouckaert gave us this interresting text:
'According to the tradition this building was founded by Margareth of Constantinople. The oldest mention goes back to 1249, this date was found in a record of the towndirectory that amongst others fixed the number of monks and nons. It is thus clear that the hospital existed than yet. The monks had to take care of the sick men and the nons of the sick women and children. Foreigners and also poor people were helped in this hospital. In 1427 there were eight nons and one monk. The ospital had its income from a tax on the import of wine.During the spanish dominance, the chapel of the hospital was in use as a place to pray for the the soldiers parked in Damme. Today there is a old people's home there. The main building is dated from halfway the 13th century and is erected in early gothic style with also many Roman relations and forms. The central part dates from 1249 and has many alikenesses with the Saint Johns Hospital of Bruges. The centuries old chapel and sickbay are authentic. There were several transformations and enlargments between the 13th and 16th century. The hospital was erected before 1249 by the inhabitants of Damme after they received permission for this from Margaret of Constantinople. It was in use to receive the sick, poor people and travellers. The hospital got its income from a tax on the import of wine. At the time of the spanish suppremacy, the chapel of the hospital was used as a room of pray by the soldiers parkes at Damme. Today there is an olders people's home there. The central part is from 1249 and show likenesse with the Saint Johns Hospital in Bruges.The century old chapel and sickroom are still authentic. The bell in the little tower was melted in the 18th century. The hospital has grown and was enlarged during the centuries. The enlargements are clearly to be seen and the different building styles are suitable and in harmony with the environment. A new kitchen and a sickroom were added during the 16th century, during the 19th century the rightwing was added and in the beginning of the 20eth century the leftwing was added. The latest big transformation took place in 1964. '

