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Today we have mopre than 100.000 pageviews by month.

On Belgiumview, we provide you several options to promote your company (all prices shown are excl. VAT):

  1. Banner on specific views like the Cathedraal in Antwerp: 3 €/month. This must be paid by year and in advance.
  2. Percentage of the banners on the viewpages: For this you pay per 5 % of the views 49 €/month (+ VAT). To be paid monthly in advance.
  3. Banner on a certain subcategory:
    • Hitparade overview: 22 €/month
    • By place (page with list of views / place): 36 €/month
    • Digital map (price coevering all maps): 36 €/month
    • By kind or function (price covering both the overview of the kinds and their individual descriptions) : 12 €/month
    • By name (price for the overview by name): 22 €/month
    • By element (price covering both the overview of the elements and explanations of the individual elements): 115 €/month
    • By style (price covering both the overview of the styles and explanations of the individual styles): 20 €/month
    • By person/architect (price covering both the overview of the persons and explanations of the individual persons): 10 €/month
    • Past and Present: 13 €/month
    To be paid monthly in advance (prices shown + VAT). If you pay for 1 whole year, you get 10 % discount.
  4. Banner on our main page: 150 €/month (+ VAT)
    To be paid monthly in advance. If you pay for 1 whole year, you get 10 % discount.
  5. If this interests you, please fill in the form hereunder

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    Christian name

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