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Vêves Castle in CELLES / HOUYET
(Noisy 5)

Vêves Castle CELLES / HOUYET picture
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Vêves Castle CELLES / HOUYET picture: Vêves Castle CELLES / HOUYET picture: Vêves Castle CELLES / HOUYET picture: Vêves Castle CELLES / HOUYET picture: Vêves Castle CELLES / HOUYET picture: Vêves Castle CELLES / HOUYET picture:
Vêves Castle CELLES / HOUYET picture: Vêves Castle CELLES / HOUYET picture: Vêves Castle CELLES / HOUYET picture: Vêves Castle CELLES / HOUYET picture: Vêves Castle CELLES / HOUYET picture: Vêves Castle CELLES / HOUYET picture:
Vêves Castle CELLES / HOUYET picture: Vêves Castle CELLES / HOUYET picture:
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There stood probably at this location a castle yet since the 7th century, built by Pepijn of Herstal (he lived between 640 and 714 , he was the grandfather of Karel de Grote).

From the 12 th century on the history of the castle is woven with the history of the Sirs of Beaufort, when Wauthier de Beaufort became Sir of Celles through his marriage with Ode de Bretagne. Theyr name was in connection at that time with the history of Hoei, where Heny the 2nd promoted them to 'protectors'.

The Beauforts participated also at the crussades: the grandfather of Wauthier de Beaufort (which had become sir of Celles by his marriage with Ode de Bretagne) followed Godfried of Bouillon to the Holy Land. Théodore, the jungest son of Wauthier, also accompagnied during the third crussade in 1187 . Later he would start the Order of the Crussaders (which still exists).

The castle burnt round 1200 . But round 1230 the castle was rebuilt by Rasse de Beaufort, older brother ofThéodore, and it so the castle was stronger than ever.

According the history it illustrates the power of the family then. In 1272 there was a geat tourniament in Andenne, at the boarders of the land of the family. The majestuous tens of the great rapacive rulers were shining in the sun. We name Jan I, duke of Brabant, Guy I, count of Namur, Hendrik II earl of Luxemburg and Godried of Leuven.Eating and festivities followed eachother. A farmer of the town Jallet, depending of the Beaufort, came there to sell a kow that he had stolen from a farmer of Ciney. But unfortunately the farmer was there too and recognised the cow... He calimed at the counter of Condroz, which didn't have any juridic power in Andenne. But with a stratagem he could bring the framer to the Condroz , where he was immediately arrested and hang. As revenge Jacques de Beaulieu plundered a few towns round Ciney in the Condroz. From this side the town Jallet was put on fire. The situation escalated, so that very soon the Condroz completely, the county of Namur, the land of Liège and even Luxembourg were at war. A three years war that goes in the history as the 'war of the cow... It was only the king of France who was able to be arbitre and could bring back the peace.

One of the children of Jacques de Beaufort aggreed with Filips de Schone in his fight against the counts of Flanders. He distingished during the nefast going battle of the Golden Spurs, and then afterwards in the battle of Bergen and Puelle. He was allowed therefore to bring over the peace proposisitions of the French King to the people of Ghent in 1305.

In 1466 Louis de Beaufort toook part of the siege of Dinant, when Dinant was distroyed Karel de Stoute The castle was dammaged very much again for the second time...

Another Louis, then Sir of Celles, sold on 6 july 1609 a big wide oak to a skipper of Dinant to build a boat with it. In the middle of the tree he found a statue of the Holy Mary with little child Jesus in her arms. Louis de Beaufort ordered to bring this statue to the castle where then a miracle happened. The castle became a location of pelgrimage.

Englebert de Beaufort married Isabelle de Jacquier de Rosée in 1731. Since 1736 the head of the family was allowed to call himself Prince. They became only two daughters.The oldest, Marie Robertine de Beaufort, inherited the castle en married in 1761 Jacques Ignace, sir of Liedekerke. The children from this marriage became the name Liedekerke Beaufort. The most of the postreity would become important , from writer to ambassador and parlamentar to president of the French Automobilclub...

The outside of the castle still shows a lot of the image of a frotress. The thick walls and round towers, as near sa possible to the rock, in order to use the natural protection, have kept the military image. The round towers, stronger against attacks than the square towers , are built higher than the walls in between.The walls used to have crenalation, and in the towers and walls there were embrasures.They dissappeared probably in the 15th or 16 th century. The outleapings in bricks in the facade were probably toilets.

When you stand in the inne court you look at a wall dated from the 18 th century, and thereafter are some livingrooms. The opposite facade has timber framing with pink chalk that makes one think of the ons of Bourgundy. The two other walls were kept sober and simple.

The maintower, higher than the others, has a diameter of 8 meter and a highth of 36 meter. It is one of the oldest parts of the castle.

The weapon hallroom is the largest room in the castle. During the 18th century it was divided in several rooms, but during the restauration it was brought back to the original situation. Authentical are the ceiling, thechemneyhood and the remarquable floor.It is out of sandstone from Spontin and Chevetogne. Near the fire there is a mosaic with scutcheon . The windows outside are dated from the 16th century, there used to be only embrasures. In the hall there is a beautiful Renaissance armour.

In the Hilarion hall(called so in remembrance of Hilarion of Liedekerke Beaufort who lived from 1762 and 1841 ), there is a beautiful fresco ,probably dated from the 16th century aswell as several pictures (amongst them a portrait of LouisXVIII painted by Hilarion himself in 1799). This fresco represents a fishingscene in Flanders.

You can also visit the sleeping room, decorated in Lodewijk XVI-style . Remarquable here is the mens dressing table.ingericht is.

In the Salon La Tour Du Pin there are several Lodewijk XV chairs, coverred with 18th century silk.

In the dining room we find again Louis XV chairs.The table is dressed for 12 people. The argentery and cristal carry the scutcheon of the family Liedekerke Beaufort. The chemney looks very much like the one of the villa Deweert in Ostend..

For more info (French only), see Château de Veves.be.

Lisa Irene de Celles de Celles: 'Greetings from the wilds of Montana in the United States! I'm the daughter of a man named Theodore Cecil de Celles,we are direct descendants of Theodore Cecil de Celles, son of Wauthier, and the founding father of The Order of The Crusaders.I wanted to let the people who now own/run the castle that we are here in America and are very curious about them,this part of our family. Hope to here from someone who can satisfy this curiosity. Thank You for any help in this regard. Lisa Irene de Celles.'

