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Lieven Bauwens' building in GHENT

Lieven Bauwens' building GHENT picture
Modernis. Arch Martin Holtzer, Danny Vandewalle, Lutgart Coryn &Eric Bockaert
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Lieven Bauwens' building GHENT picture: Lieven Bauwens' building GHENT picture: Lieven Bauwens' building GHENT picture: Lieven Bauwens' building GHENT picture: Lieven Bauwens' building GHENT picture:
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The Orbit groep (service companies roud Fabrimetal) amongst others used to be located here in the Lieven Bauwens building . In the mid 60's the office building was to be seen in the Martelaarslaan. It used to be then a boring building, a , monolithic bloc with eleven floors, perpandicalar tothe Martelaarslaan .

When these companies left, this boring brown building stood empty. In 1997 the investor Sogaplim ordered the Ghent architects group Martin Holtzer, Danny Vandewalle, Lutgart Coryn and Eric Bockaert to modernise drastically this old used building , and to add two wings, so to create the actual T-form, with at the crossing of the T a half circular meeting hall (with therein the room of the justice court), and an open elevator, which provides a beautiful sight. For urbanistic reasons the construction of the planned lightpublicity for Mac Donalds on top of the building was refused .

Today there are several companies situated in this office building ( such as Foster Parents Plan), also the justice court of Ghent, and a Mc Donalds.

For more info clic here.
