For the concept of this building, the famous Italian architect couple Afra & Tobia Scarpa was contacted. They cooperated with Vittorio Simoni and Luc Vanroye (Scoop) from Hasselt.
This modern sports hall has a roof that is supended with cables, such as you often can see for the hanging bridges. This is symbolic as a bridge to the future.
With the construction of this new sports hall, the town coucil of Lommel had the ambition to overconstruct the banal, plump constructions and to build somtething that would be as an architectural building an important new peace of partimony : a peace of architectural inherritance for tomorrow.
For the concept of this building, the famous Italian architect couple Afra & Tobia Scarpa was contacted. They cooperated with Vittorio Simoni and Luc Vanroye (Scoop) from Hasselt.
In contrast with the up to then known most spectacular buildings for Benetton with a roof hanging at verticular pillars here the room inside had te stay free. Therefore a construction in arch was used.
The basic form of this building is a circle.This refers to the classical image of an arena, a volumeconstruction whereby there are no distinct side- or frontwalls . This constructionform is worked out as much as possible. The closed walls, coverred with corrugated iron, accentuate the monumental character of this construction.This roudform could not be continuated in the inside because this would diminish the diversity of different utility issues.
The construting components were made as visible as possible in the inside. Therefore the heating- and electricityinstallation were concieved so that they accentuated the impression of the basic construction of the hall and the rafters. Also the concrete was not hidden : it is complete part of the construction.
For more info and photo's, look at the beautiful site
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