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Lappersfort forest in BRUGES

Lappersfort forest BRUGES picture
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Lappersfort forest BRUGES picture: Lappersfort forest BRUGES picture: Lappersfort forest BRUGES picture: Lappersfort forest BRUGES picture: Lappersfort forest BRUGES picture: Lappersfort forest BRUGES picture:
Lappersfort forest BRUGES picture: Lappersfort forest BRUGES picture: Lappersfort forest BRUGES picture: Lappersfort forest BRUGES picture: Lappersfort forest BRUGES picture: Lappersfort forest BRUGES picture:
Lappersfort forest BRUGES picture: Lappersfort forest BRUGES picture: Lappersfort forest BRUGES picture: Lappersfort forest BRUGES picture:
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The wood Lapperfort, that in fact is meant to become an industrial area, became 'news' when great policeforce tried and even succeeded to drive out some occupiers.These occupiers lived for several yaers in the trees in that wood ,even during the winter, because they wanted to try to save this wood.

In this wood stood an old house ,that was destroyed with bulldosers at the moment of the evecuation of the wood. There is still grafitti to see on the wall.

The wood is mostly marshy. One of the rare brooks ,that flow in a natural bed, runs through the wood.

There are many old trees in this wood. When you see a jung oak in an open area, you can practically feel its hope to survive...

A poplar wood was planted in one of the marschy areas. This had two advantages : the poplars grow quickly and they suck a lot of water just like the pollard-willows. It was the intention to make wooden forks out of them for the fried-chips shops. But by the time the trees were big enough the plastic was allready in use in the fried-chips shops....

There are stillbunkers with old ammunition. They are built in accordance with special prescriptions. The roof is light and they are built in a sort of trench. This construction has the advantage that when there is an eventual explosion the losses are restricted because the forces of the explosion are lead in the hight instead of along to the sides.

The lot makes a beautifull landschape.

Eva Vandenbon: 'It's a beautiful forest with poems all over the place. My heart breaks when I hear they're going to kill some trees to broaden the way next to the canal. They have already removed big old trees on the other side of the bridge to broaden the canal. And wherefore??? This is a sad day...'

