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Museum of Modern Arts - Large Hornu site in HORNU / BOUSSU
(rue Sainte-Louise)

Museum of Modern Arts - Large Hornu site HORNU / BOUSSU picture
Ren H..Guchez; Mus. P.Hebbelinck
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Museum of Modern Arts - Large Hornu site HORNU / BOUSSU picture: Museum of Modern Arts - Large Hornu site HORNU / BOUSSU picture: Museum of Modern Arts - Large Hornu site HORNU / BOUSSU picture: Museum of Modern Arts - Large Hornu site HORNU / BOUSSU picture: Museum of Modern Arts - Large Hornu site HORNU / BOUSSU picture: Black and white picture from patrick CatteeuwMuseum of Modern Arts - Large Hornu site HORNU / BOUSSU picture:
Museum of Modern Arts - Large Hornu site HORNU / BOUSSU picture: Museum of Modern Arts - Large Hornu site HORNU / BOUSSU picture: Museum of Modern Arts - Large Hornu site HORNU / BOUSSU picture: Museum of Modern Arts - Large Hornu site HORNU / BOUSSU picture: Museum of Modern Arts - Large Hornu site HORNU / BOUSSU picture: Museum of Modern Arts - Large Hornu site HORNU / BOUSSU picture:
Museum of Modern Arts - Large Hornu site HORNU / BOUSSU picture: Museum of Modern Arts - Large Hornu site HORNU / BOUSSU picture: Museum of Modern Arts - Large Hornu site HORNU / BOUSSU picture: Museum of Modern Arts - Large Hornu site HORNU / BOUSSU picture:
Click on the small pictures to see them bigger, click on the bigger picture for a maxi version

The ruins of this industrial site house a museum for contemporary art. The renovation was lead by H.Guchez. P.Hebbelinck arranged the museum.

The black and white picture('Hurnu') was sent to us by Patrick Catteeuw. it combines the entry with with art (on the foreground), brought to movement wy water.

History of the site

January 19th, 1778 the abbey of Saint-Ghislain got, along with Charles Godonnesche the right to exploit charbon here. After a troublesome start, and Charles Godonnesche's death, the real production was started from 1814 by Henri de Gorge. He also wanted to improve this by an important architectural project, adding model worker homes to attract good workers. He used the architect François Obin, and after his death Bruno Renard. To give an idea of the size, in 1829, already 2500 people were living here.

The mine site was closed in 1954, and the area fell into ruins... In 1971, Henri Guchez started the restauration...

Foir more info, see http://grand-hornu.be/

